Chasing My Father
Thank you for visiting here and reading about my memoir, CHASING MY FATHER, published in 2013. Since then I've written an ebook of meditations titled RECLAIMING TIME and I'm working on my third book with a publication date of late early 2020. I hope that you have also taken the time to reflect, and even write, about your journey of faith to know Christ better and flourish in His love. Blessings for you, my friend, Agatha.......
It’s a story of healing: physical, emotional and spiritual, and a memoir of 6 years of my life. Would you join me along this journey?
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, my old life stopped and I started over again. But it wasn’t until I traveled to South Africa in 2007 that I learned about forgiveness and love after meeting Archbishop Desmond Tutu. When I returned to Nashville, TN, I started living a life of freedom and rest.
My book, Chasing My Father details this journey and the people who helped me along the way. The book was released November 26, 2013, and is available as a trade paperback and Kindle ebook on Autographed copies, an ePub version (Nook/iBook) and a PDF file (Adobe Acrobat Reader) are available on my website,
You can download a FREE sample of the Kindle eBook at: CHASING MY FATHER.
Links to all versions are at the end of this post.
I’ve also included links to FREE subscriptions to my blog via email, and two iTunes podcasts of my blog and prayers.
Book Launch Press Release is here: Press Release
Interview in CONNECTIONS Feb 2014 (Episcopal Diocese of TN newsletter-page 7)
I hope that you have a blessed 2014 full of healing in your life!
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Here’s the Note to My Readers at the end of the book:
Chasing My Father is about my journey to find rest in a chaotic world. My new life started in Soweto, South Africa where I learned the real meaning of forgiveness and love. Returning home to Nashville, Tennessee, I finally found freedom and rest.
Your life can be different, too. Chasing My Father is your invitation to join me on this journey.
Everyone I have met has brought me one step closer, or one step further away, from God. All the lessons are valuable, and I’ve had untold opportunities to receive and give love. With my fellow conspirators, we have great expectations of the coming of the Holy Spirit as we see glimpses of God’s Kingdom through the great power, wonderful light, contagious love, and holy fire that is all around us.
I have not sailed a straight course on my journey, but I’ve learned to put God first in my life. When he is my Commander, decisions become easier, and His whispers become crystal clear invitations to join Him in His work.
This book is dedicated to the countless people who have inspired me and held me up when I stumbled. It is their example and wisdom that has made me hungry to help others take those first tentative steps to a new life.
I pray that you will find healing in your relationships by putting God first, and allowing all other relationships to flow from your first love.
Blessings, my friend,
Links: Chasing My Father
Local Bookstores: Parnassus Books, Nashville, TN
St. George's Episcopal Church, Nashville, TN
Landmark Booksellers, Franklin, TN
Burlingham Books, Perry, NY
Trade Paperback: link (with LOOK INSIDE feature)
Trade Paperback: Barnes and Noble link
Trade Paperback: Books-a-Million link
Autographed copy: my website
Ten Autographed copies- Special Pricing and FREE Shipping
Kindle eBook: link (including FREE sample)
iTunes iBook: link (including FREE sample)
ePub (Nook/iBook): link
PDF file (Adobe Acrobat): link
My website:
Subscribe to My blog (FREE): via email
iTunes podcast- Journal (FREE): via iTunes
iTunes podcast- Prayers (FREE): via iTunes
My blog store: Store (books and photography (Free and For Sale)
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