The forty meditations in RECLAIMING TIME were inspired by the Brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist (SSJE) in Cambridge, MA and their 2015 Lenten series: STOP, PRAY, WORK, PLAY and LOVE. This is not a self-help book on how to be more efficient or productive. Instead, I hope that these meditations will encourage you to go deep into your heart and recapture God’s most precious gift to us. Instead of being our enemy, keeping time holy gives us freedom.
RECLAIMING TIME is my second book on faith. Each meditation contains a story, photo and Scripture verse that helped me reconnect with God through His most precious gift of time. It is available through Amazon as a Kindle eBook for $2.99. Download a free pdf workbook from SSJE to record your own stories. This book, RECLAIMING TIME, follows my memoir, CHASING MY FATHER, which was released in November 2013.
House of Lydia of Thyratira (near Philippi) Kavala, Greece, 2014