Agatha Nolen

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You Are Loved: Praying with John and Anglican Prayer Beads

I’ve prayed with prayer beads for most of my life, both Roman Catholic rosaries and Anglican prayer beads. I like the flexibility with the Anglican prayer beads because there are no set prayers. Sometimes I pray for 33 of my friends; either for their health or in thanksgiving they are my friends. Other times I pray through the Psalms. It is this flexibility that led me to write: You Are Loved: Praying with John which has verses from the Gospel and Letters of John that are said with Anglican Prayer Beads. I can’t hear enough how much God loves me and it is comforting to read the familiar words when the world seems awry.

I’ve done a short video (10:43) that explains the history of prayer beads and includes the first chapter of John from my book. I hope you enjoy this ancient spiritual practice and will consider making it part of your routine as we find ways to go deeper into God’s presence.

You Are Loved: Praying with John: Video Link

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Blessings, my friend

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You Are Loved: Praying with John Agatha Nolen


(Amazon link to purchase print or Kindle copies of the book)