The Power of God: Seven Principles
I had the pleasure of meeting the Rev. Duncan McLea last week as he was our Preacher and Teacher last Sunday at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Nashville. Duncan is Rector and Team Leader of St. John’s Parish, Wynberg, which is composed of six churches in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa. as well as The Warehouse. Additionally, he heads up the St. John’s Leadership Academy which trains pioneering missionary church leaders.
Duncan taught in the Rector’s Forum on our continuing series on The Power of God. Duncan shared with us 7 principles that keep drawing us back to God. Here’s the summary and I’ve attached the audio recording of the class for you.
1. God is always at work everywhere all the time whether or not we are not conscious of it.
2. God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal and it needs a response.
3. God’s invitation while personal is corporate---we are called into community
4. God invites us to become involved with him in his mission.
5. God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church to reveal his purposes and ways.
6. God’s invitation to join him in mission will always lead to a crisis of belief and will involve a change in your life.
7. We come to know and experience the power of Holy Spirit as we obey him and he accomplishes his work through us.
Blessings, my friend,
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