Agatha Nolen

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No Reason

Adam Hamilton is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas and wrote on his blog yesterday about the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut. 

It’s too much for words without tears; even my ladies’ devotional group at work this week talked about the same questions, “Why would God allow this to happen if He is all powerful?” and “What could possibly be the reason for this horrific event?”

The airwaves are ablaze with talk of gun control and changes in mental health treatment but Adam Hamilton chose to set the record straight. This is what gives me the most comfort when I am faced with the unexplainable:

  1. God allows humans free choice and as humans from the time of Adam and Eve, we are all sinners. Hence we can commit evil acts.
  2. God is all-knowing; it isn't like He just wasn't paying attention last week.
  3. Although we can debate whether it is "part of His plan", I believe that God is still in control, even though evil does lurk in our hearts as humans.
  4. We can't go down the road of playing God and demand that He tell us the answers to our questions of "Is there a reason?" instead God asks us to continue to trust Him. 
  5. His kingdom keeps breaking through to us with wonderful signs and miracles, but it isn't fully realized yet.

Instead of asking questions for which only God has the answers, I'm using my time to pray.

Blessings, my friend, 


To read Adam Hamilton’s post, “No, Everything Doesn’t Happen for a Reason”:


No Reason- (click here for MP3 file)