Forward Movement- The Daily Office
I’ve always been an early riser, and I’ve adopted the habit of saying Morning Prayer from the Daily Office since I became an Episcopalian in 2008. It is part of my commitment to my Rule of Life (Chapter 18) that I have developed as a Fellow of The Society of St. John the Evangelist, an Episcopal monastery in Cambridge, MA.
A few years ago, I discovered a free app on my phone that makes keeping the Daily Office easy but meaningful. I enjoy it as the Scripture verses, Canticles, and Saints’ Commemorations are all in one place for Morning Prayer, Noon Day Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline. I don’t always get to stop four times a day, but I always start my day with the Morning Prayer. There is a recorded audio version so that I can feel like I am reciting it in community. Here’s a link for your desktop: On your phone look for: “Forward, Day by Day.”
I just discovered the best feature. If you click on the three lines in the upper left corner of the phone app (or “Prayer List” on your desktop), you can compose your own personal prayer list. This list is local to the device you create it on, so it is not shared among devices or other people. Your individual prayer list will pop up when it is time for prayers and thankgsivings. It reminds me to pray for people near and far, lifting up their names for healing, discernment, and reconciliation.
I am often frustrated with the time I spend on my phone, endlessly checking weather, or scrolling to see what my friends are doing on social media. This Advent, I’m monitoring my usage but also recognizing than some technology can make my world better. I believe that the Forward Movement Day by Day Daily Office is one positive example and I hope that more people can start their day with Scripture and praying for each other.
Please send me a note if you have any questions about the Forward Movement app. I’m not a paid employee and don’t get paid for recommending it. I don’t often make recommendations on my blog, but this one is worth the time I spend with it.
Blessings, my friend,
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