Agatha Nolen

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Casting Out Demons of Depression

It’s the shortest chapter in my book at only 4 pages, but it is an important part of my story. As a member of our healing prayer ministry team, I was asked to be one of the lay intercessors at our special Silent Night service in December 2011. A lot of people came forward that evening, and it was a privilege to pray for them.

The story from my book, Chasing My Father shares an email I received through my blog in January 2012:

  Hi Agatha,
You don’t know me because I don’t go to church at St. George’s, but I’ve been reading your blog for a number of months, ever since a friend sent me the link. You’d invited everyone to come to your church for the SILENT NIGHT service and I thought, “Why not? I’ve had a lot of things happen to me this year and it would be good to hear some quiet music.” So I went and sat in your church. It wasn’t until they asked anyone who was interested in healing prayer to come forward that I saw your nametag and recognized you from the photo on your blog.
There was a long line of people already in line for you and the female priest, but I felt compelled to go forward. I am dropping this note to you to tell you how much I appreciate your blog, but also to thank you for your prayers for me that night. I awoke tonight from a deep sleep and the darkness has lifted.
The oppression has lasted seven years. I suffered greatly to know for myself the Power of Darkness, which I totally underestimated. However, even in sin, Christ in me could withstand multitudes and anything the enemy threw at me as a result of my curiosity to know, even when I already knew better. So you can get an idea of the intensity, I will let you know there is an unnatural crack in the plaster on the ceiling of my bedroom. That happened one night when something very, very large landed on my house and came into my room. Really the stuff of nightmares, but it all has purpose. I never gave over, and Christ was with me and did not allow death, but did allow me to suffer because I willfully walked outside his Glory….”


It was on January 13, 2012, that a person was freed from depression, and it was on that night that I realized that we have an incredible power to heal through Christ.

As a human we have an incredible power to harm others. As a disciple of Christ, we have an even more amazing power to heal others.


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Casting Out Demons of Depression Agatha Nolen