DONALD MILLER'S STORYLINE CONFERENCE- TEN LESSONS (click on the title to read the story)
Donald Miller introduces us to people who are all “living a great story” after experiencing negative events in their lives.
First we have to determine what our story is. Then we have to eliminate any activities that use up our time and energy and distract us from our story.
An event that happens to a character in a story that cannot be reversed; life is never the same. We need to identify all the positive and negative story turns in our life.
Thinking about the negative turns in our life is helpful when we can identify a redemptive perspective. Although they are still painful circumstances, they don’t have to keep us in suspended pain forever.
Who do we admire and what are their attributes? Writing a composite portrait of our heroes helps us know where we need to head.
After identifying five primary roles, ambition statements help clarify our actions. Then we need to choose an ambition and start living it!
A primary relationship is one in which I gain “intimate emotional strength and support.” My category includes God.
Inciting incidents force you to get off the couch and get moving! The good news is that you can create inciting incidents in your own life.
The most important module: we need to embrace and welcome conflict because it causes us to change.
Great people always take others with them on their journey