Agatha Nolen

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Survival, then Purpose

My Facebook News Feed is filled with anxious friends trying to get an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine. I was lucky to start the Moderna vaccine last Friday when I located a small independent pharmacy with an available appointment for group 1a2. Since each county is moving through the Tennessee algorithm at a different rate, and the rate of vaccine refusals varies, there is a mad dash to register in multiple surrounding counties as well as your own. It is a ‘survival’ instinct that we have: to do what it takes to stay alive.

But there is another ubiquitous phase I’m also observing. Now that we have successful vaccines and a plan, I see many friends who are changing jobs, moving to be closer to family, and re-examining their “purpose” in the world. It is as if the world has been put on “pause” and people have more time to think about what is really important to them, and more importantly, to think about who they really are.

I know I’ve become more of an activist for newly found social justice causes like food insecurity and reforming immigration laws, and I’m actually better at connecting with long-time friends even if it is by zoom. I’ve spent more time learning about another of my passions: art. I look forward to the day when all our museums are open for exhibitions and tours.

As we travel this journey together, I pray that we all are survivors and that we all find our unique “purpose” in life. It is what we were born for, and now is the time for us to live into our call.

Blessings, my friend,

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Survival, then Purpose Agatha Nolen