Agatha Nolen

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SSJE: Jesus, the Healer

Leading the way” by Brett Davies is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 / modified from original

Today’s Question: What in your life needs to be healed?

In today’s video, Br. Jonathan Maury talks about Jesus’ question to the man who had been ill for thirty-eight years, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:2-6)

I’ve dwelled on this story many times wondering why Jesus asked the man the question instead of just healing him. Wouldn’t that have been more dramatic to just heal everyone in His path?

But Jesus wants to look us in the eye, to have us acknowledge our brokenness to Him, in effect to acknowledge our “dirty feet”. In engaging the man in a relationship first, Jesus is not just healing the man of his immediate physical ailment, but instead is giving him a new life in Him.

An outward sign of cleanliness may be physical footwashing, but it is when our soul is cleansed and healed by God’s love that we truly begin to live.

I need to have my relationship with God healed so that I can more fully live the life of service I was called to live.

Please enter the discussion: What in your life needs to be healed?

Link to the SSJE video:

Blessings, my friend,