Agatha Nolen

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Miracles- Part II

Miracles are events in our life that aren't explainable. Sometimes we are healed physically, but there are also times when the healing is emotional or spiritual. Jesus first tells the invalid in the Gospel of Mark, "Your sins are forgiven," before he cures him physicially. Jesus knows that his greatest need is to be healed emotionally and spiritually.

In 2006 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my world was rocked; I was no longer in control. I was inconsolably distraught with sleepless nights full of worry. After eight surgeries and a drug reaction, my physical health returned to normal over the next few years.
But in April 2010, more bad news: my mammogram showed spots on the right side. I returned in July 2010 for another mammogram and the spots had grown. I was quickly scheduled for a breast biopsy the next afternoon.

This time it was different. I first called one of our priests and asked her to pray for my biopsy the next day. I then sent an email to the 12 Ladies in my Bible Study group and asked for their prayers. I was strangely peaceful on the drive home that night and later as I was reading some favorite Bible verses, I realized that I was willing to face cancer again if that is what God needed me to do. The next day I awoke refreshed from a good night's sleep and faced the day starting with prayer. I wasn't anxious at all during the two days when I waited for the pathology results. Many friends called to say they were praying for me.

I am happy to tell you that the biopsy was negative and that I am still cancer free, but I've recognized the profound difference in the way I handled the news of cancer in 2006 and again in 2010. In 2006 I was distraught, anxious and worried. In 2010, I was peaceful and comfortable, knowing that good Christians were praying for me and that I was being uplifted by my friends.

There is no scientific explanation for the difference. I know that I have been spiritually healed through the prayers of good friends. It is another miracle in my life.


Miracles-Part II- (click here for MP3 file)