Agatha Nolen

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God Speaks Peace

The Hebrew word for psalm, mizmôr, has a root that means “to pluck” as in a stringed instrument. The Psalms are meant to be sung as we hear in monasteries throughout the world.

The Psalms are divided into five books, perhaps to suggest the division of the Torah, and are also grouped into five types: thanksgiving, royalty, wisdom, lament, and praise.

Each Psalm can help us in different situations and today’s reading is from Psalm 85. Verse 8 is:

“I will listen to what the Lord God is saying,

For he is speaking peace to his faithful people

And to those who turn their hearts to him.”

I have to be constantly reminded to listen for God’s voice. Although I’ve lived a long time and encountered many situations, each one is unique in its own time. I can’t rely on my past experiences to be duplicated in the future. It’s what makes life exciting: I learn something new about God every day!

In Psalm 85 we have a promise that God will speak to us and to speak peace. It is only up to us to be faithful and turn our hearts to God; God will take care of all the rest.

In studying the Old Testament, I’m learning new things about God, particularly that God is faithful to his chosen people. That brings me great comfort in an unpredictable world with unknown outcomes. But God loves his people and will deliver us in peace.

Blessings, my friend



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God Speaks Peace Agatha Nolen