Agatha Nolen

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God loves a free spirit.

He designed us with a beautiful body and mind and has made each of us unique. But so much of our culture is designed to stomp the creativity from us. As small children we have made up friends and easily make up stories. We draw even when the pictures are recognizable only to us. Soon we learn in school that there are rules with times to take a nap and times to draw. No doodling in science class; drawing is reserved for art class. We can only sing in music class, never in physics.

The pressure to get into a prestigious college starts with memorization and repetition of certain facts that have been declared as “knowledge” by others before us. Standardization permits ranking where we are told how important we are in relationship to others: “twentieth in our class.”

Where passion and need intersect is where we find our life-long calling. God has created each of us as individuals and he wants us to celebrate our uniqueness instead of blending into the cattle-call that life demands of us, fading into one of the nameless, faceless masses. He has numbered the hairs on our head and has promised to love us like He loves and cares for each sparrow in the field.

Everything we do is for the glory of God—but we need to do it passionately and without abandon, secure in God’s love for US.  I often share a dear friendship over wine or dinner and he never fails to say goodnight with, “Let’s go make a memory!”

“Yes, Let’s go make a memory with God!!”



(From lessons learned from Randy Elrod on the RE:CREATE Caribbean Cruise)

Creativity- (click here for MP3 file)