Agatha Nolen

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Growth of Relationships

A friend has met a “special person”, and now has a new beau in her life. After four months of dating, they enjoy each other’s company a great deal and continue to explore and learn more about the other. It’s obvious they share a mutual attraction for one another. Just the other day she asked me an interesting question. “How can I get the relationship to proceed faster? My sister got married within six months of meeting her husband.”

Anderson and Reese in Spiritual Mentoring provide some valid advice I believe speaks to her question: “Paradoxically, there is nothing we can do to cause growth. Growth is a gift given as we learn to attend to the presence of God in our lives. The farmer in the field does not bring growth to seeds but stands before the mystery of growth, waiting.”

My advice to my girlfriend on her new, exciting relationship is this: Be as the good farmer that tends his crop but watches in eager anticipation of growth as you ponder your new relationship. Learn and understand the elements of nutrition, environment, sun, rain, and the damage of weeds and marauding insects…be attentive to first preparing the soil.

May you recognize that new relationships are exciting, but remember growth is on God’s timetable.

Blessings, my friend,


Growth of Relationships-(click here for MP3 file)